16th Feb Kick Day Quotes

“Kick Day” is another human made day that is celebrated on February 16th, two days after Valentine’s Day. Like “Slap Day”, it is considered by some to be an opportunity to express anger or frustration towards someone who has hurt them in the past. However, just like “Slap Day”, “Kick Day” is not a healthy or productive way to handle conflicts in relationships. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with others and seek positive and constructive solutions to relationship problems, rather than resorting to violent or aggressive behavior. It’s important to note that these made-up holidays are not widely recognized or celebrated and promoting violent or aggressive behavior is not acceptable or healthy for any relationship. It is much better to seek peaceful and respectful ways to deal with conflicts in relationships. We are compling some of happy kick day quotes and messages.

16th Feb Happy Kick Day Quotes



Happy 16th Feb Kick Day Wishes Messages


1) Happy Kick Day Wishes

God made us body parts for a reason.

Eyes: to look at you
Hands: to pray for you
Mind: to remember you
Heart: to miss you and…
Legs: to kick you
If u ever forget me!!

Happy Kick Day 2023



2) Happy Kick Day Quotes

This kick day ,
kick the butt of your problems
and move ahead….
Cause tensions and problem
have no rights to move along wid us.

Happy Kick Day 2023



3) Funny 16th Feb Kick Day Msg

As we walk through our friendship
at times, u may not see me.
“Dont think i’hve left u”.
I choose to walk behind u
so that i can kick u
if u forget me…

Happy Kick Day



4) Happy Kick Day Messages

Once kick the world,
and the world and you will
live together at a reasonably
good understanding.

Happy Kick Day



Happy Kick Day Quotes


  • Any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a good carpenter to build one.
  • Take things as they are. Punch when you have to punch. Kick when you have to kick.
  • A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. ~Emo Philips
  • I don’t want people to kick me, I just want to get to a point where they can’t kick it. ~Michael J. Fox
  • Maybe once in a while, you know, after a hard day of shooting or something like that, I’d kick back. ~Tommy Chong
  • Once kick the world, and the world and you will live together at a reasonably good understanding. ~Jonathan Swift
  • I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. ~Bruce Lee


Check – Full List of Anti-Valentine Week

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